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Market Report 23rd July

July 23 2009

Great bargains were on offer today at the market, for bulk buying

We were able to secure some premium Tulips this morning from ‘Tulip Garden’ – our supplier in the hills at Monbulk.  We had to buy lots of them, but we have them on our television ad this week at $10 per bunch, which is unbeatable value.  This special will be available for the rest of this week and also next week.

Richard – our buying guru – has also managed some deals with the roses, so we have also featured them on this weeks television commercial – Imported 40cm roses for only $10….crazy….10 different colours available, these are selling very well, and offer exceptional buying.  Make sure you snip the bottoms when you get them home, and these will last in the vase for over a week.

Again, this week the winter crops were in abundance such as the daffodils, erlicheer and jonquils, along with the calandula and stocks.  There are still good numbers of local Orientals in the market from Feingold – our regular supplier.  The quality really is brilliant at the moment.  Even with my heater running flat out in the living room, I got just over 2 weeks in the vase, with minimal care and water changing… To get even longer life out of your flowers it certainly does pay to regularly change the water, and snip the ends.

From the farm at Ballarat Carnations, supply is still low, but the quality is simply brilliant.  If you want carnations and we dont have the colours you need in store, the girls will ring and we can get them later that day.  In the vase you can expect 2-3 weeks out of the sims, slightly less out of the chinis.

The first small bunches of daphne were aboard the van this morning. There are only 3 bunches available so if you need to fill the house with the amazing aroma hurry in, as last year it was very popular.  The smell of the van on the way back from market, with the daphne, the violets and the jonquils, has made me quite delirious, so I must end this report.  Look out for the television ad running for the next two weeks, and come on down for other great specials….