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Market Report Thursday 13th January 2011

January 13 2011

With Christmas now behind us we have made it to 2011 and are experiencing some very challenging weather.  As all of you are as well.  How does it affect the flower market?  Well we will start with Steve at Lockyer cut flowers in Granthum Queensland who supplies us with our statice.  He has lost literally everything. We haven’t spoken to him yet but we know he and his family are safe and we are all thinking of them.  We are hoping to start an appeal fund in-store next week to provide him and his family with some direct monetary support.  On a lesser note at home on the farm 120mm rain in the last three days has made a considerable mess of the farm.  Roads are washed out and drains are full.  It is likely that the high levels of relative humidty will cause some fungus issues with all Victorian crops in the coming weeks especially Roses which is not good with Valentines day just around the corner.

In today’s market things are still quiet with a lot of people still away.  There was not a huge volume of product but quality was good.  In store we have our largest ever and most exceptional display of Philanopsis orchids.  We only stock the premium and double spiked orchids which are the best.  They are only $50 each and the flowers last up to three months.  They require very little watering but do enjoy a fine mist of water spray every couple of days over the stem and flower.  Bathrooms are a great home for these gems.

We also have some large 60cm stems of Glorisa lily for only $6 each.  One stem is all that is needed to make a real vibrant and bright statement.

The walk in cool room is also brimming with all of our traditional favourites so please drop in and grab a bunch and brighten up your home after the Chrissy decorations have been pulled down.