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Mums Day is on the way

April 15 2015

Yes believe it or not its almost May and that means in flower world we celebrate our Mums with Mothers Day this year falling on the 10th May.  We have some fun things in the pipeline for the kids to get involved with over the weekend so watch this space.  Our local town Ballarat holds a fun event over Mothers day weekend every year called Ballarat Heritage weekend you can find more information here at ballaratheritageweekend.com  and its getting us in a Vintage mood as well.  So if you are lucky enough to be in Ballarat pop in and say hi to the Stems team and grab a picture in front of our Stems Flower Wall a fun backdrop for a great Mothers Day pic.

Stems goes vintage for Ballarats Heritage Weekend which is also Mothers Day weekend
Stems goes vintage for Ballarats Heritage Weekend which is also Mothers Day weekend